February 1, 2012

Finally, there's some winter coming 8D

Hi out there!

Because it was like -9°C today morning, I couln't draw more beach-fanservice-pictures (I always had to think if they wouln't freeze XD). Instead you get some well-packed guy, standing in heavy snow, talking to... someone on the phone. (He's one of the main characters from my wannabeacomic-story, by the way. Or maybe THE mainchara... and yes, he's old 8D)
Well, my boss kept on complaining about the snow (he said that it looks like confetti). and I guess I'm going to search for another brush for the snow at some point. If I will find one, there will be an updated version of this pic.... So, enough said, have a look! :D

So, what do you think?



  1. ich fände einen runden Brush glaub ich besser ... das hier ist wirklich etwas konfetti-ähnlich ^^;

    ansonsten aber wieder sehr cool - ich mag das Licht ^^

    1. Argh XD Okay, ich bin überzeugt, der blöde Schnee muss nochmal ran XD

      Ansonsten danke danke danke! :D
