February 20, 2012

Back from Berlin! ...with ACEOs and less info about Berlin.

Hey out there!

As I said I was in Berlin last week, to apply to an art school with my portfolio.
In short: I failed.
But it was a nice trip as a whole, even if it was more exhausting than relaxing or something (and I didn't even shot much photos....), but more about that later. (That will get a whole blogpost for itself, but I don't have time and patience to write that right now, sorry. You will get that report maybe later this day. )

 So. I got some last ACEOs for you, a kind of triptych this time :D

Black ink on light paperboard, with little shreds of screentone. These ones were spontaneous, I had that three blank cards left and just buyed some black ink, and that's the story.
They are just friends. 
Anyway,  I'll talk to you later 'bout Berlin.

Have a nice day! :D


  1. Schade, dass es nicht geklappt hat, aber kopf hoch! :)
    Die nächste Chance wird besser.

    Ich bin gespannt auf den bericht. ^^

    1. Danke :D Ja, es gibt ja noch andre Kunsthochschulen ^^ Die Berliner waren wohl ne spur zu elitär für mich 8D

      Und der Bericht ist jetzt auch online ;D
