Fist, something technical. I was told by some people that they couln't post comments on my blog, and now I changed some stuff. First try worked well, so anyone should be able to leave some comments here, even if you're anonymous :)
My ink-phase is ongoing, and today there will be colored ink. (Yup. As I promised, more color ;D) And, because I'm working on my skills in several programs the same time, I took Illustrator and remade the same image as a vector graphic.
So, at first the ink image:
Working process: Scribble with pencil, outlines with nib and colored with brush, on water color paper. I really love this red ink, and I really hate that paper. Don't know why, but it developed a fuzzy surface during the inking and painting process (sometimes that happens because of erasing, but this paper was fuzzy over all, even on the plain white area on the left, where I didn't touch the paper with anything -_-)
But it's not that bad for a 20 minute pic, I think.
And now the vector version:
If you know Illustrator, I made this with the Pen Tool only (I think there are plug ins or something, that you can convert a scan directly into vectors, but on the one hand, I don't really know these plugins and on the other hand I guess it's the better practise do to that stuff manual ^^;) and the effect was, that I spend around 3 hours with that version of the picture 8D Guess there must be a quicker way to do that stuff ,
...But I still don't know if I like the clean look most vector pictures have. Sure, in lot's of cases it looks really cool, and sometimes you want that sterile atmosphere....but there are also lots and lots of pictures that look just really dead with that sleeked lines and forms, and I often think that's a pity D:
Yeah, I like it rough and dirty... eh, that came out wrong XD
So. What do you think?
Na, von den "Spießern" gibt's in meiner Stufe nur zwei.^^ Aber mit denen komme ich auch super klar. Mal abgesehen von denen, die so raumlaufen, weil's Mode ist. .__.
ReplyDeleteJaaaaa- fräulein anonymus kann jetzt auch ihren senf dazugeben :) das freut mich aber :) :) ich mag das "original" bild lieber-das rot wirkt lebendiger !! :D :*
ReplyDeleteDanke schön! :D
DeleteIch schließe mich Fräulein Anonynums an. ; )
ReplyDeleteIch weiss nicht...Vektoren sind schwierig. In manchen Fällen wirken sie wirklich gut, aber in den meisten Fällen machen die Kontraste einfach einen zu harten Eindruck und stören damit irgendwie das Bild. Es kommt immer ganz darauf an, wofür man sie verwendet. Für Webdesign und Logos: awesome. Für Bilder, die etwas Lebendiges darstellen: schon schwieriger.
Jap, ich weiss was du meinst :B In den meisten Fällen saugen diese klinisch-glatten Linien alle Dynamik und Lebendigkeit da raus >_< Irgendwie hab ich ja den Eindruck dass das bei PC-erstellten Bildern ohnehin schneller der Fall ist, aber Vektoren setzen da noch mal ne Stufe drauf.
DeleteVielleicht muss man das ganze einfach so gut beherrschen dass man schon unbewusst kleine unregelmäßigkeiten einbaut, die einem so nicht auffallen aber trotzdem ne Menge ausmachen XD