February 20, 2012

Back from Berlin the 2nd, with some more info about Berlin ;)

Hi out there!
So, this is the actual report about the time in Berlin. Actually it's not a report, it's more of a summary. Well.

Because we had the great idea to take the city night liner to Berlin, we arrived there at 4:26 am. Which meant, that we had to spend around 6 1/2 hours somewhere with our heavy luggage. We ended up drinking coffee at big M and walking slowly through the central station. And it's an AMAZING train station! Seriously, that station flashed me, and I would move in there if I could XD I was so impressed, that I forgot to take photos there! (and maybe too tired and smashed from that 7 hour train trip...)

Jeah. After some coffees we went to the art school, turned in my portfolio, went to a friend to unload our luggage there and returned to the city to do some stupid tourist stuff. XD

Like taking photographs of the Brandenburger Tor (= Brandenburg Gate says wikipedia)...

Proof! I really was there ;)

(During this time I allready was that tired that we didn't even recognize that the picture was cut on the up and low edge. Damnit!)
Did I mention that it was f.........uuuucking cold in Berlin?! It's not that I try to hide my face on that photo or something, I just didn't want to expose more than necessary to that coldness. And we had that amazing gray sky till we traveled back home...

Well enough of the weather (it was just freaking cold!)...
We also visited the Holocaust Memorial. Walking through it, although its apparently just a bunch of grey building blocks, made me kind of uncomfortable. And it's also strangely fascinating for a bunch of blocks...
Shot from somewhere in the middle.

So, that was the day, and we just went to bed at 6pm. And slept. It was amazing.

The other day, we visited the Gemäldegalerie, and spent half the day watching at amazing paintings :D Than we went to the art school again, to get the result of the portfolio-test, and we spent about over an hour there standing in a queue O_o
Apparently there were about 300 people who tried for that study course alone, and the art school accepted just 30 for the second test... And according to the last years I was told from these 30 will just 15 get into the course in the end... and that put my dissapointment into another perspective. There are about 270 girls n guys who also didn't make it, and there are more art schools in the world. Yay! 8D

Third day we spent with some ineffective shopping (which means, we bought nothing), and I think the reason was kind of that "wow, I can buy all that stuff in cologne, too... and than I don't have to carry it the whole time and way back home!"
Guess Berlin is just a bigger cologne...
In the evening we ate some pizza with my fiends uncle. I've never eaten a better pizza in my life. *slobber*
Yeah, and the next day was the last day, and before we traveled back home, we visited an exhibition at Camera Works with works of Mark Laita. The exhibition was very small, just 3 rooms with big pictures, but the photograps were damn beautiful, and I wished I had the money to take that octopus and put it on my wall back home XD On the side of Camera Works is a small slide show of some pictures, but in real they're much more impressing ;)

Yeah, and than we traveled home, about 10 hours (with regional trains, because that was the cheapest way ^^; Only do that if you really have patience, good books and like train traveling XD Other ways it will bore the shit out of you. Believe me ;D).

Conclusion? Berlin is a grey and ugly town in winter, and I really don't need to live there, but I want to visit it again. In Summer. When it's not that cold ;)

Have a nice day ^^ 


  1. Passt zu meinen Eindrücken, die ich immer wieder dort sammel:
    kalt, grau, bahnhof ist riesig und ansonsten ist mir die Stadt einfach auch zu groß und ungemütlich ...

    und ich bin auch jedesmal da, wenn's scheiße kalt ist *wein
    Dieses Jahr aber werde ich im Sommer hinfahren udn endlich mit meiner Freundin von dort auch diese scheiß Touristentour machen! (ich war schon mehrmals in B und noch nie am Brandenburger Tor - wtf?? )

    Köln fand ich auch schöner, aber nichts geht einfach über mein Dresden :)

    1. Wahrscheinlich muss man echt im Sommer hinfahren um diesen 'groß, kalt und grau'-Eindruck loszuwerden... Ich habs mir auf jeden Fall vorgenommen, hoffenlich wird was draus ;D Touri-Tour for the win! Einmal kann man sowas halt ma machen XD

      Hmm zu Dresden kann ich nix sagen... aber Köln hat den Dom, der ist unschlagbar! ;D

  2. Haha, ja, das ist Berlin. Im Winter scheißkalt, im Sommer unheilig heiss.
    Ich hoffe, euch ist aufgefallen, dass es immer leiser um einen herum wird, je tiefer man in das Denkmal geht. Die Blöcke und die konvexe Form sind nämlich genau so angeordnet, dass man nicht mehr viel davon mitkriegt, in der Hauptstadt zu stehen.

    Wer in Berlin was anderes als den Einheitsbrei einkaufen will, muss sich von der Touristenmeile ums KDW fernhalten. Aber die Feinkostabteilung von dem Laden ist echt sehenswert. xD
    Und wie schön die Stadt ist hängt tatsächlich unglaublich vom Stadteil ab, in dem man sich befindet. Rund ums Zentrum mit Brandenburger Tor und Siegessäule, etc. ist einfach immer Grau in Grau, wegen der ganzen wuchtigen Gebäuden.
    Steglitz und Charlottenburg sehen da schon ganz anders aus. Die Seenplatte kann echt was. Also wenn du mal mit mehr Zeit da bist - such dir am besten jemand, der sich da auskennt. Dann kriegt man gleich ein ganz anderes Lebensgefühl mit. :)
    Wenn man an der richtigen Stelle schaut ist Berlin jedenfalls um einiges preiswerter als unser schönes Köln. xD

    1. Ja, obwohls eh nicht so besonders laut war als wir da waren, früher abend, arschkalt und kaum Leute und Autos unterwegs XD

      Vielleicht sollte ich mal mit dir nach Berlin fahren und du zeigst mir was man aus der Stadt rausholen kann ;3

      Und dass Berlin preiswerter ist glaub ich dir aufs Wort, selbst wenn ich da nicht gross abseits des Mainstreams war... 8D
