January 12, 2012

Another experiment and something about Titanic

Hi out there! (and a special Hi to my first follower... Hi! :D)

So, today my boss showed me a method to combine analog with digital painting. The principle is easy, you just take a black/white/grey analog painting, scan it and put the colors with photoshop under the structure, so you can still see the original drawing style through...

My quick trying looks this way:

I really like the effect that you can still see the rough brush stroke coming through.

Well, and I finished another comic strip...true story again ;)

Have a nice day! :D


  1. *hihi ^^
    gerne doch!

    Ich find's interessant zu sehen, was du alles zauberst :) (und die Comics sind zu süß ^^)

    weiter so und viel Spaß beim bloggen ;)
